Queen’s Park Governors

What do school governors do?

School governors are one of the country's largest voluntary groups with around 345,000 school governors contributing to strategic development and raising standards of achievement at over 30,000 schools. At present there are 11 governors at Queen's Park School and two vacancies; there is a list below of the current governing body.

Our governors come from different parts of the community, such as Parents, Staff, the Local Education Authority, the Community and other groups. This helps to ensure that the governing body has a range of views and experience, but it does not mean that governors of a particular category 'represent' that group on the governing body.

The governing body has a variety of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational attainment. This includes setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school's finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff, reviewing staff performance and pay - and much more.

At Queen's Park School all the governors meet with each other at least twice a term. We also meet regularly to consider some of the specific aspects of the school, such as Finance, Premises and the Curriculum.


Aims, Plans and Policies

Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of Queen's Park School and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school's vision, aims and objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the Head teacher. We have a detailed School Improvement Plan (SIP) for achieving our aims and we support the plan with a range of policies.

The policies and other relevant documents are available to parents, carers or anyone interested in the school - just ask at the school office. These include:

  • The Teaching and Learning Policy

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

  • Behaviour and relationships

  • Anti-bullying Policy

  • Equality Policy

  • SEN (Special Educational Needs) Policy

  • Queen's Park School's financial benchmarking

Governors must both support and challenge the Headteacher, so need to gain an understanding of the school's overall performance in order to contribute to decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with staff. They also attend training in order to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the Head Teacher or Clerk to Governors for more information: clairecornthwaite@queenspark.brighton-hove.sch.uk

The Full Governing Board meet 6 times a year and the Finance Committee meet 3 times a year.

The meeting dates, minutes ad attendance for 2021-22 and 2022-23 are available on request by emailing Ingrid Laycock, Governor on clairecornthwaite@queenspark.brighton-hove.sch.uk


Full Governing Body Meeting Minutes Nov 23

Governor Attendance Sep 23

Governor Meeting Minutes Sep 23