Family Support


At Queen's Park we understand children learn best when families feel settled and supported. We work hard to help support parents and carers, and to enable them to access support when it is needed.

If you are concerned about your child, or feel your family could benefit from support, please get in contact with Tom Bank (Family Champion & Designated Safeguarding Lead), or one of our Learning Mentors via the school office on



All schools have regular visits from the School Nurse. She can help advise you on your child's weight and growth, sleeping and toileting, vaccinations, as well as other physical and mental health problems. If your child has a medical condition or illness, she will work with both the family and the school to make sure your child can attend safely and the medical needs are met.

To make an appointment with her, please contact the school office. You can also speak to the school nurses team directly on 01273 696011 Ext 1692.



Our school funds a Family Support Worker through the local charity Safety Net ( She comes in to school fortnightly and will meet with parents and carers confidentially. She provides advice and support with all parenting issues, including behavioural issues, supporting families where there has been a bereavement, and supporting separated parents. If the issue needs more support than she can provide, she can signpost you to other services in the city.

To make an appointment, please speak to Kelly Bassett in the Office, or speak to Tom Banks (Family Champion & Designated Safeguarding Lead) or one of the Learning Mentors if you would like further information.



This service can support your family more in the longer term (usually 8-12 weeks) when family issues are impacting on your child's school attendance, educational progress or health and wellbeing. These issues could include parental conflict/separation, domestic violence/abuse, financial, parental mental/physical health, housing, unemployment, anti-social or offending behaviour. The coach will work with your family to complete a full assessment, and involve other services that can help you.

We need to refer families to this service through the Front Door for Families website. Please speak to Tom Banks (Family Champion & Designated Safeguarding Lead) if you would like to discuss a referral.

Parents can access counselling for their child outside of school through the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service. The website with links for this is



Many children have a caring role in the home, supporting their siblings, parents, or other relatives who might have a disability, a medical need, or other additional needs. Young Carers is an organisation who work to support children and young people in these circumstances, linking with school around their needs, as well as organising fun activities outside school.

If you feel your child would be eligible for this service, please contact Tom Banks or the Learning Mentors.


As a school, we want to provide as much support to our families as possible. We have collated the links below to ensure easy access to a range of organisations who offer impartial, free and comprehensive support packages.

Please click on the clinks below to access the support detailed.

Wellbeing Service

The Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service is delivered in partnership by:

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
YMCA DownsLink Group

We offer a variety of support and NICE compliant psychological therapies for Children and Young People and Adults. The services that we provide are delivered by a number of teams who work alongside one another to ensure that you receive the care and support that you need at every stage of your journey.

When we receive your referral and talk to you about your needs, we will discuss which part of the service is best suited to you.

Recovery College

Brighton and Hove Recovery College, offering educational courses as a route to recovery from mental health challenges.

The College is provided in partnership with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and as part of the UOK Brighton & Hove network of mental health support.

All courses are free, and are designed and delivered by people with lived experience of mental health challenges (Peer Trainers), together with clinical staff and other professionals. Whether you are hoping to gain a better understanding of mental health challenges or are looking to develop new skills and abilities, the Recovery College provides a range of workshops and courses that may be of interest.

We offer courses focusing on recovery and self-management skills in a range in length from one-day workshops to longer courses running over several weeks, on subjects such as ‘Exploring Relaxation’ and ‘Managing Anxiety’.

Speak Out

Speak Out has been an independent advocacy charity in Brighton and Hove since 1994. We make sure that people with learning disabilities can speak up and take action about the things that matter to them.


The Possibility People

Supporting people with disabilities to live independently, with dignity and without prejudice.

BAME – A Seat at the Table

Our vision as a community is to change outcomes for our children and support them to thrive not just survive education.

ASATT is an essential group for children of colour or dual heritage and their families who require someone to listen, support, advise and advocate where necessary. Every child counts and every child must have an equal opportunity to thrive in life.

Together and with our lived experiences we have a strong understanding of the difficulties that arise around special educational needs, race, trauma and struggles within systems and aim to create opportunities to aid recovery, support and space to be seen and heard.

Brighton Cauldron

Brighton Cauldron was established in 2019 as a social venture providing space, training, experience and skills to people of BAME/Ethnic minority backgrounds, focusing on food production and distribution.

Our work aims to empower, increase employability, create job experience and opportunities for BAME people. Through our activities we intend to help BAME communities to integrate with the wider communities and reduce social isolation.

Brighton and Hove links - BAME groups in Brighton and Hove

Brighton and Hove links - Brighton Based Black Organisations

A seat at the Table

Parenting Team

About the Parenting Team

Being a parent can be amazing, but we all need some help, advice and practical tips at times.

The Parenting Team delivers tried, tested and internationally renowned parenting programmes to help you and your children get the support that you need.

We all have different needs. We offer a range of services to support you and your families.

Small changes will make a big difference.

CAPA First Response

We support families and professionals impacted by child or adolescent on parent abuse.

Winston’s Wish

Winston’s Wish charity supports bereaved children, young people, their families and the professionals who support them.


Bereavement Support

Sue Ryder

Online Bereavement Support

Sue Ryder’s Online Bereavement Support makes it easy to connect with the right support for you – whether that’s information and resources, qualified counsellors or a community of others with similar experiences. These services are free and easy to access on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Sands (stillbirth)

Mind useful contacts

Provides information on bereavement, where to go for support, and suggestions for helping yourself and others through grief.


Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Wellbeing Service

The Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service is a free NHS service for all ages from 4 years and upwards in Brighton and Hove.

The service is delivered in partnership by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, YMCA DownsLink Group and Southdown.

We offer a variety of support and NICE compliant psychological therapies. The services that we provide are delivered by a number of teams who work alongside one another to ensure that you receive the care and support that you need at every stage of your journey.

When we receive your referral and talk to you about your needs, we will discuss which part of the service is best suited to you.

Young Minds

Supporting the mental health of young people. Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who’s struggling, we can help.

MindEd (family mental health)

Are you a parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of your child or teenager? Do you just want some hints and tips on parenting? MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family, and how to take care of yourself. MindEd for Families is written by a team of specialists and parents, working together. You do not need to register to use these resources.

Anxiety tools

With featured advice and resources from The Children’s Society, we have written this expert guide for parents to help children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age. Our aim is to equip parents across the world with a significant bank of knowledge to ease panic and educate their children about the science of the mind.

The Trust for Developing Communities

We are a charity tackling inequality in Brighton and Hove through community-led solutions. We deliver community development work, youth work, research and training. Community-led solutions produce longer lasting and more meaningful change.

When we connect people, organisations and communities this maximises our resources and improves our well-being. Together we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Our vision is for Brighton and Hove to become a city of equality, diversity and inclusion where our communities thrive.

Device control

Children are using devices at a younger age, so it’s important to consider setting controls on the devices they use. We’ve pulled together a number of guides to give you simple steps to set controls on a range of smartphones, mobile devices and more to manage everything from location tracking to social media use and parental controls.

CEOP (watching videos guide)

Watching videos is one of the most popular ways children and young people consume content online. 91% of 5-15 year olds watch video-on-demand content online and 97% use video sharing platforms, with YouTube being the most used platform (Ofcom Children and Parents: Media use and attitudes report 2020/21).

There are many reasons why children might enjoy this online activity. Videos can be entertaining, funny, creative or educational. From silly animal videos to slime-making or video-game tutorials, the internet has it all. But the amount and availability of content children of all ages can enjoy does increase the risk that they may see something inappropriate.

CEOP (Live Streaming)

Live streaming technology lets you watch, create and share videos in real time, a bit like live TV. All you need to be able to live stream is an internet enabled device, like a smart phone or tablet, and a platform (such as a website or app) to live stream from.

Current popular live streaming apps include Facebook Live, Instagram Live stories, Twitch TV (often used by the gaming community), House Party and TikTok.

Unlike pre-recorded videos that can be cut and edited, live streaming is just that – live and uncensored.

Some live streams can be private. For example, video conferencing, like Skype or Zoom, uses live streaming technology to allow you to talk to people you have invited. To make sure they stay private, they should be password protected and passwords shouldn’t be shared with people you don’t know.


Digital parenting advice, activities and ideas from the experts at Parent Zone.

TikTok parental controls

TikTok is a place for creativity and expression, and we offer a number of tools and controls to help you manage your experience. We recommend checking out the guides below to learn more about our approach to safety, privacy, and security on TikTok. You’ll also find helpful information for parents, caregivers, and new users.

Support with choosing suitable games

PEGI helps parents to make informed decisions when buying video games

PEGI provides age classifications for video games in 38 European countries. The age rating confirms that the game content is appropriate for players of certain age. PEGI considers the age suitability of a game, not the level of difficulty.

Roblox security settings

Clear guidance for the setting of security controls on Roblox.

Home Internet filters

Guidance for setting up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content.

Victim Support

Survivors, professionals, and friends or family of someone experiencing abuse can call the DASS Helpline


Rise (services for adults and children)

RISE is an independent, Brighton-based registered charity that helps people affected by domestic abuse. We offer practical help ranging from direct advice to refuge accommodation for those whose lives are at risk.


Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Lead /Officer (known as key Adult) prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved. Hiedi Larter is the school's 'Operation Encompass Key Adult'. 

Witnessing domestic abuse is distressing for a young person, who can often see the abuse, see a parent's injuries or distress afterwards, hear it from another room or be physically hurt trying to stop the abuse.

Further information can be found here:

Online parenting courses

Our free online parenting courses are a great way to get advice and learn new skills in the comfort of your own home and at times to suit you. All of our courses are filled with helpful techniques and ideas developed by our experienced parenting professionals to help you become a confident and happy parent. Crucially, you can do our course whenever and wherever suits you and work through it at our own pace. Our range of courses are below. 

Parents Together This course if families with young children

Lets Play Our course can help you create play ideas

Coping with Teens This course is for parents navigating the teenage years

Arabic - New baby in family Sign up to our Arabic new baby in the family course

Pashtu - New baby in family This online course is in Pashtu

Co-parenting Our course can help you co-parent effectively

FAQs Have a question? Read our common FAQ's.


We’re a non-profit organisation helping people learn to cook, eat a healthy diet, grow their own food and waste less food.

Food is more than just fuel, it brings people together and changes lives.

Pelican Parcels

Our vision is a community in which families and carers all have the essentials for their children.

We take pre-loved and new item donations for babies and children up to age 12, and redistribute them to families facing financial hardship via various existing family services in Brighton & Hove in Sussex.


Tips to reduce energy costs as much as possible.

Household support fund

Extra help is available for households in Brighton & Hove struggling to pay for food, energy and other essential costs.

Extra help is available this winter for households in Brighton & Hove struggling to pay for food, energy and other essential costs.

The funding is part of the government’s Household Support Fund. Due to the limited nature of this fund, we are only able to make one award to each household.

We will not be able to accept subsequent applications to this fund from the same household.

Benefit Checker

With the cost of living in the UK rising massively, lots of people are struggling. Luckily there’s help available – and it’s not just for those out of work. There’s support for those earning but still struggling, plus additional help if you’ve got children, caring responsibilities, or a long-term health condition. Millions of people aren’t claiming what they’re entitled to, so it’s always worth a quick check.

Brighton and Hove support

We’ve put together the following resources to help you manage your money and find out who to talk to if you need urgent help.

Most of the support and resources linked to in these pages is provided by services outside of Brighton & Hove City Council.

The external links we’ve included are suggestions to support you through the cost of living crisis.

Resources for parents (B&H)

Parents and carers sometimes tell us they feel alone in supporting their child. You aren’t alone: support is available for you! Here are some resources we often recommend.


Family Lives

Family Lives offers a confidential and free* helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call us on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. If you don’t get an answer first time please do try again.


YMCA Downslink

YMCA DownsLink Group is a charity that works to prevent youth homelessness across Sussex and Surrey. Every night, we provide accommodation to more than 750 young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Through our youth advice centres, community and school counselling services, family mediation and other youth focussed services, we also provide additional support to 10,000 children, young people and families each year.


Community Base

Community Base is a charity providing a home for community and voluntary groups in Brighton and Hove and services to the local community. We use income from our services, including the provision of office space and the use of our South Wing meeting rooms, to repay a mortgage on our accessible seven floor building a few minutes from Brighton station and meet our running costs.



Safety Net offers Support for Families on a range of issues like children’s mental health, online safety, Environment and climate changes and financial issues.

For specific resources for parents and children check out the Parents, Carers and Families section of their website.

At Queen's Park Primary School we recognise and value individual differences in an inclusive learning community. We nurture children to become resilient lifelong learners and caring, responsible adults in a diverse society.

We recognise that to become a truly 'inclusive' school – a school in which all children and all families, whatever their needs, feel equally welcome and valued and receive exactly the support they need - is a challenging goal towards which we continue to strive with total commitment. We seek to foster warm, welcoming and respectful environments, which allow us to question and challenge discrimination and inequalities, resolve conflicts peacefully and work and learn free from harassment and violence. We want all who attend our school to develop a positive sense of belonging and their own identity.

We welcome all pupils and staff. Every member of staff shares the responsibility to remove challenges in learning for all pupils.

We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.

We recognise that there are similarities and differences between individuals and groups but we will strive to ensure that our differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning and create inclusive processes and practices, where the varying needs of individuals and groups are identified and met. We therefore cannot achieve equality for all by treating everyone the same. We believe we all have equal rights, but may have different needs.

We believe that effective equality practice will contribute to raising aspirations and achievement, keeping children safe from bullying and prejudice and from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism. We actively promote respect between groups of children and young people and prepare them to live and work in a diverse world.

The Network of International Women

The Network of International Women for Brighton & Hove, run by volunteers, provides a platform for women to meet, share experience and knowledge and support one another. We meet in different venues across the City to share information, exchange ideas, learn and build friendships.


Together Co

We are a loneliness charity that creates connections to change lives.

We do this through our befriending, social prescribing and volunteering services in Brighton, Hove and beyond, and by sharing our ideas and expertise nationally. In a city of nearly 300,000, no one should be lonely or socially isolated.


Kinship Carers

Kinship is the leading kinship care charity in England and Wales. We work with all kinship carers – the grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and family friends – who are caring for children when their parents can’t.

We want to make sure every kinship family is recognised, valued and gets the support they need.


Dad La Soul

We exist to orchestrate a revolution in the way that the stories and struggles of six million dads in the UK are seen, heard  and supported.



We want a society in which single parent families are treated equally and fairly.

To get there, we provide information to help single parents support themselves and their family. And we campaign and influence policy to reduce stigma against single parents, and make services more accessible to all families – whatever their shape or size.


Allsorts Youth Project listens to, connects & supports children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+) and their families.

Mermaids (parent support)

Mermaids has been supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995.

BeeZee Bodies

Healthy Living Courses for Families and Adults

A healthy life is a happy life, so we want to help you make small changes that have a big difference. We run free courses for families, young people and adults to kickstart a healthier lifestyle.

Chomp Brighton

Chomp is passionate about supporting families who find themselves in challenging circumstances. We are building a community through our school holiday lunch programme and follow-on initiatives, where family members are empowered with the life skills and confidence to make aspirational decisions for their lives.

Mascot (autism)

mASCot is a parent led peer to peer support network for families who have an autistic child/children or young person. mASCot brings families together and enables them to connect with others in similar situations as themselves. .


Do you have a disabled child and live in Brighton & Hove?

Do you find it difficult to access mainstream activities because of your child’s special needs?

Would you like to meet with other parents in the same position?

Then Pebbles could be what you are looking for…

National Autistic Society

We’re here to help the 700,000 autistic people in the UK and their families. Be it running specialist schools, campaigning for improved rights or training companies on being more autism-friendly, we are dedicated to transforming lives and changing attitudes.

ASC course

Course for parents who have children under 10 years old with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).

This course is for parents of children who are up to 10 years old and have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).

You’ll have the opportunity to meet other parents, gain more information about ASC, share experiences and find strategies to help support your child and family.

The course has 8 sessions. It is run by the Seaside View Child Development Centre.

If your child is over 10 years old, we offer a course called Exploring ASC.


Amaze is a charity that gives information, advice and support to families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Brighton & Hove and Sussex. We also support young people with SEND up to 25.

Brighton and Hove links

PaCC works with nine partner organisations who provide services or support to parents and carers of children with special needs or disabilities in Brighton and Hove.


A directory of available interpreters


BSL Link for Communication

BSL Link for Communication is an interpreting agency providing professional NRCPD registered Sign Language Interpreters and other Language Service Professionals (LSPs) in Sussex and the South East. All our LSPs are registered with the appropriate governing body and are experienced in working with Deaf and hearing people in a variety of settings.

The sleep charity

We are one of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK and we are here to help everyone get a better night’s sleep. Whether it’s advice, education or support for children, teenagers, adults, workplaces or professionals, we are on hand with expert knowledge, resources and accredited training.

Brighton and Hove

Support for families when a parent is drinking too much

It can be a huge step to recognise that you as a parent are drinking to a concerning level.

It can also be hard for children and young people who are worried about a parent’s drinking to know who to speak to.

Back on Track can help families where a parent is drinking too much alcohol to get the help they need.


We give hope to people affected by drugs & alcohol.

We help women, children and families find the strength and opportunities to make choices that lead to change. Not just for themselves, but for their families, their friends and their communities. For all of us.


ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health. Our mission is to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families.


Brighton and Hove

Managing conflict

We all argue sometimes. Being a separated parent can bring extra challenges, these can sometimes lead to arguments which affect children.