Meet The Governors

There are 13 Governor spaces at Queen's Park School. The Full Board of Governors meet every half term, there is also a Finance Committee who meet 3 times a year.

Ingrid Laycock
Chair of Governors

Ingrid Laycock

Co-Opted Governor. Appointed 01.09.23 (Vice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor. Appointed 20.12.2019)

Declarations of Interest: Supports Save Our Schools 

Ingrid has 2 children who both went to Queen’s Park Primary School so she knows the school and its pivotal role in the community really well. She was elected to the role by other parents at the school.

Drawing on her own personal experience she understand the importance of  high expectations and having things that inspire you. She believes that a good education can take you on a path you never dreamt possible for yourself, and in her case being the first in my family to gain a university degree, emigrating, and building a career in corporate communications (and a life!) in a different country.

“I have always felt that our school worked at its best when all stakeholders worked together, and I have enjoyed participating in community activity such as the QPSA fundraising events and being part of the EAL (English as a Second Language) parent group who met regularly, cooking up a storm and supporting each other”

Ingrid joined the governing board in January 2020 and hopes is that she can contribute to developing and fulfilling the aspirations of our children.

Emma Gale

Emma Gale

Appointed 1.1.23

Cheryl Hassell
Local Authority Governor

Cheryl Hassell

Local Authority Governor with link lead for Teaching and Learning. Appointed 28.6.2020

Declarations of Interest: Nil return

Cheryl has lived in Brighton since 1997 and has been the Local Authority Governor for Queens Park since 2012. She was recommended to join  the board by the Local Authority.

Cheryl is now retired but has spent most of her working life in Education and was Headteacher of a Secondary School in Outer London for 17 Years.

“I have a real passion for learning and for enabling all children to achieve everything they can – in whatever direction that may lie.”

Jonathan Burnill
Co-Opted Governor

Jonathan Burnill

Co-Opted Governor and Link Governor for Leadership and Management. Appointed 23.9.2020.

Declarations of Interest: 2 children attend Queen’s Park School.

Jonathan has two children at Queen’s Park and loves the unique diversity and inclusivity that the school offers. His family have lived in Hanover for the last 10 years.

He is a teacher at another primary school in Brighton and hopes to bring both a teacher and parent viewpoint to the governing board.

“I hope to use my skills to build on the strengths of the school and be a part of its successful future.”

Tamara Hoodless
Co-Opted Governor

Tamara Hoodless

Co-Opted Governor and Link Governor for SEND. Appointed 14.12.2019.

Declarations of Interest: Nil return

Tamara has worked at Queens Park Primary as a Learning Mentor and as an Autism Champion. She was co-opted into the governing body at the end of 2019. She attends the Health & safety, safeguarding and premises sub-committee and ia also the link governor for behaviour.

Tamara has has worked in education for 15 years, predominantly as a Teaching assistant. Other roles have included the delivery of speech and language programmes, nurture groups, Phonics, maths and reading interventions.  “Prior to my role as a Learning Mentor, I spent 3 years as an Individual Needs Assistant for a child with Down’s syndrome. My area of expertise is inclusion, SEND support and restorative approaches for behaviour.”

In her spare time Tamara is often found in wellies, at my allotment, where she tries to be as self-sufficient as possible by growing her own fruit and vegetables.

Naomi Gosling
Co-opted Governor

Naomi Gosling

Co-opted Governor. Appointed 7.7.2022

Declaration of Interest: Nil Return

Senior Clerk to the Governors: Simon Charleton